Analog,Digital and Mixed Modes
DP480 is able to detect signal typewhen receiving a call and automatically switch between analog and digital mode. The user can reply during the call hang time using PTT. This feature improves migration from analog to digital.
DMO support
Provide Direct Mode Operation in 2 slots increasing channel capacity without increasing channel frequency spectrum.
Supplementary Features
DP480 supports radio enable, radio disable, and remote monitor.
GPS (Optional)
Integrated GPS enables real-time tracking of radio.
Digital Encryption
It supports ARC 40-bit encryption, which guarantees communication safety and improve communication privacy. Encryption function provide further protection against over-the-air interception.
Multiple Emergency Alarm Modes
The emergency feature supports multiple alarm modes such as top priority alarm.
Support roaming while using the radio in an IP site connect system.
Programmable Keys for Easy Operation
There are three programmable keys to select most-used features.
Pseudo Trunk
Dynamically allocation of slot while using repeater mode. Improve channel utilization providing simultaneous communication in repeater mode.